针对传统老化检测技术在工业现场橡胶老化检测中作业成本高、适应性差等问题, 设计了一种适用于现场环境的便携式橡胶老化检测系统。系统以CH32V103微控制器为核心, 采用叉指电极共面电容传感器检测材料老化状态, 检测数据实时显示、本地存储, 可导出CSV数据文件并通过蓝牙无线传输。测试结果表明, 本系统可有效评估乙丙橡胶材料老化程度, 具有良好的应用前景。
Aiming at the problem of high cost and poor adaptability of traditional rubber aging detection technology in industrial sites, a portable rubber aging test system suitable for on-site evaluation is designed.The system adopts CH32V103 microcontroller as the core, and uses interdigital electrodes coplanar capacitance sensors to detect the aging state of rubber materials.The sampled data is displayed in real time, stored in an internal storage, and can be exported as a CSV data file and transmitted wirelessly via Bluetooth.The test result shows that the system can effectively evaluate the aging state of ethylene-propylene rubber materials and has a wide range of application prospects.
CH32V103 /
橡胶老化检测 /
蓝牙通信 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
CH32V103 /
rubber aging test /
Bluetooth communication /
interdigital capacitance sensor
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