In order to solve the shortcomings of traditional environmental monitoring system in monitoring performance, an environmental parameter monitoring system is designed based on CH32V103, and connects the system to the cloud platform to ensure the stability of monitoring.The system takes CH32V103 as the controller and ESP8266 as the communication module.It uses DHT11 and flame sensors to obtain the data, such as temperature and humidity data and fire alarm, and uploads the data to the Ali Cloud IoT platform based on the MQTT communication protocol.It can be proved that the system transmits data through WiFi, which makes up for the shortcomings of the traditional system.Based on the Ali Cloud IoT platform, the system can timely and effectively monitor the changes of temperature and humidity and fire alarm, provide the trend of those parameters, and realize the effective monitoring of environmental parameters.
Key words
CH32V103 /
Ali cloud IoT platform /
monitoring system for environmental parameters
{{custom_keyword}} /
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