Aiming at the problems that traditional power strips cannot allow users to remotely monitor their power data and control, a electric energy monitoring power strip with the Internet of Things is designed.The power strip uses CH32V103 as the main control chip, and the USRTCP232T2 module is used as the ethernet module.It uses the IM1281B single-phase AC energy metering module to collect the power data of the power strip in real time, and the relay controls the power strip to turn off.The single-chip microcomputer actively reports and receives instructions through the ModbusRTU protocol and the transparent cloud to realize the data interaction between the lower-level computer equipment and the human-cloud IoT platform.The user can check the power data and temperature of the power strip in real time through the human cloud platform or WeChat applet.At the same time, the power strip can be turned off by remote control, which provides an effective solution for the operation of the power strip and remote control.
Key words
CH32V103 /
human cloud /
ModbusRTU /
IM1281B /
electric energy monitoring
{{custom_keyword}} /
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