Method of DSP Program Exception Efficient Detection
Cao Ting
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Chengdu Spaceon Information and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610000,China
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As the embedded systems become more and more complex,the complexity of the program is also increasing.This leads to program exceptions jump,array out of bounds,stack overflow and other exceptions occur.Compilers and professional static code scanning tools cannot detect such problems.When these program exceptions occur,often lead to system crashes and other serious fault,after the system crash,rarely useful information leave to the developers.Developers often need to spend a lot of time and make great efforts to find out the reason of the system crash.Therefore,to develop a highly efficient program exceptions detection method seems very necessary.In this paper,using the hook function of DSP software compiler,the program can completely record the running trace data before the system crash.After analysis the trace data,developers can reconstruct the the program running trace.Using these information, developers can quickly find out the reason of the system crash.